About Me

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Kennebunkport, Maine, United States
I’ve had to learn to live life on the positive side. If I can do it, I know anyone can. My goal here is to share my experiences, have others share their's and together we can help and encourage each other to be better people. As we all know, success in life takes effort, a change in behavior and the realization that you have to do both to succeed. Maybe you are one of the millions of people who begin every year saying, “This year is going to be different. This year I’m going to make my dreams come true”. If you do not prepare and change your actions from your current path for the upcoming year, do you really believe you will end up at a different destination than last year? What if we did it together, supporting each other on a daily basis. I hope you'll join the journey of finding positive light in an ever negative world.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year!!

I’m really looking forward to 2010. I am making my resolution now to post regularly and to start compiling more information for my book.

I’m really enjoying Facebook and am flattered by the number of people who respond positively to my posts. All of you have great feedback which would be a terrific contribution to this blog. As the year goes by, feel free to email me at bluejenaroo@gmail.com and let me know if there are topics you want to hear more about. I love research and I can certainly point you in the right direction if nothing else.

It is my goal in life to create a positive spot for you to stop by, read a bit, add a bit and maybe leave feeling a little better than when you came. We all have struggles in our lives and I believe that together we can make a difference to each other. You never know what kind word you may say today that will help lift someone more than you will ever know.

Peace my friends and Happy New Year!!


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